Health Advice from King Hoover
By now you’ve easily been exposed to the High Fructose Corn Sweetener (HFCS) controversy. You know- those ads that talk about sharing a popsicle or what your children drink, and seem to clear up misconceptions about HFCS, but they reinforce some of the most dangerous falsehoods floated today. What is true is that HFCS does have the same calories as sugar, and it is from a natural source-corn--but what is far from true, in light of the most recent science, is far less light-hearted than the commercials themselves.
While table Sugar and HFCS are both sweet; this is where the similarity ends. Sugar or sucrose is quickly metabolized to glucose. Glucose can be used by every cell in the body, but Fructose must be metabolized in the liver which makes it a problem for many people. If you carry more than a few pounds of bodyfat, you could easily have a condition called Fatty Liver Syndrome, as serious as it sounds, it just means that your liver function is less efficient due to fat deposits in the liver- multiplying HFCS’ Dark side. If you drink much alcohol, even a mild case of Cirrhosis of the Liver also increases your risk from using HFCS, increased bodyfat, elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels, diabetes, the list goes on.
The statement in each ad, that it’s ‘fine in moderation’ is completely untrue if you have either of these common conditions and because Adolescent Test Subjects were the most affected by this manufactured foodstuff’s negative effects, I question if it is even safe at all for children.
Sadly, children are the single demographic group whose food and drinks are heavily laden with HFCS and where advertising efforts are focused to boost sales. I used to think that the responsibility for the types and quality of food our children eat lay solely with their parents. While they do bear the Lion’s share of liability, I applaud recent moves to shame food companies that make Junk sound Wonderful.
So why am I on this Soapbox now? I am so glad you asked… In the last 30 years in my field, sometimes a study breaks that is so Powerful or Disturbing that I am moved as if by an Earthquake. The Journal of Experimental Medicine reported that “bad eating habits are capable of permanently altering DNA” effectively switching off genetic protections against Diabetes and Heart Disease. The researchers at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute further stated that these gene alterations could last “months or years and may be passed down through bloodlines.” The biggest trigger in this gene mutating scenario was high levels of blood sugar. Just one sugar-binge was ‘remembered’ by the cells for up to 14 days, so with ‘friends’ like HFCS, who needs cigarettes?
So how do we get off the Good Ship Lollipop and back on the Love Boat? First, go through your pantry and throw away everything with HFCS on the label. If it’s not there to eat, it can’t hurt you. Second, try to work veggies into each meal. At breakfast, toss some broccoli, peppers, or tomatoes into your omelet, you’ll boost the nutrition and the fiber will slow the rise in blood sugar. Lastly, consume starchy foods or grains only after physical activity. After exercise, your muscles soak up sugar and carbs like sponges, this is when they’ll help, not hurt. I am all about Surprises, but when it comes to your health, some are not so Sweet.