Friday, June 19, 2009


At our weekly chapel time at FamilyNet this week, we had a memorial service of sorts for a new employee who had already made a big difference. He died in a car accident, leaving his wife and young daughter. The memorial was a PowerPoint display of his "tweets." I had never met this man, but I felt like I knew him after reading the succession of his short messages. He loved God, he loved his wife, he was crazy about his little girl, and he ate ice cream to celebrate and when he was stressed.

I was so inspired by his tweets, that I resolved to encourage people with twittering, too. So if you want to follow me, please go to

We have several FamilyNet regular guests who are twittering, too. Randy Singer is RandyDSinger, and Linda Swindling is LindaSwindling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the Twitterverse, Lori.
Don't forget to follow:

...and these FamilyNet friends:

- John Vano, FamilyNet Web