Thursday, April 17, 2008

This is your chance...

Who isn't feeling the pinch of a tightening economy? Statistics say 2 million American families could lose their homes. Rent, gas, and food prices keep rising. So, many reach for credit cards to close the gap between what we earn and what we spend. Not a good idea. Best advice? Call or email us with your questions every Friday. This week, Parkey Thompson from MyFinancialFocus. net returns. Last week, Howard Dayton of Crown Financial Ministries gave us some expert financial advice. If you have a question or concern, remember to call during the 8:00 hour (Eastern time). It's sound, expert financial advice from a Biblical perspective. And, if you missed Monday's program, you missed some wonderful entertainment. Bradley Bean and Jackson Bailey, "Bean and Bailey" performed...singing funny, satirical songs. The McCarts followed them. Greta is a ventriloquist. Doug a comedian and magician. And even though anybody can throw a voice or work a magic trick ON RADIO, they did it all right on the television set in front of Lorri and me! And I never saw how Doug managed to make things disappear or saw Greta's lips move! And she never had a single voice lesson! Their real target audience? God. This is a vibrant, personal ministry for all four. That's what you can miss if you miss "Mornings". So, don't. And please tell your friends. --Larry

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