Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome home!

We welcomed home my son-in-law from Iraq with a surprise breakfast Saturday morning at their home in Savannah. His parents flew in from New Mexico. I drove down and picked up my wife at the Savannah airport along the way. His grandmother-in-law came, too. And his best friend and his fiance. As I mentioned on the air, it was so wonderful just to see Hilary and Kyle doing all the normal 'couples' things...things the vast distance between them prevented them from enjoying. Going to church together. Walking hand-in-hand. Watching TV in each others arms. Enjoying the company of friends and family. I'm thankful for his safe return...especially as we see a spike in violence in Iraq. But I'm thankful for all the men and women in uniform who have returned. Putting aside politics, we are blessed with a expertly trained, professional, military that does its job exceptionally well. And there's nothing like a homecoming to make you realize that. As we pray for all those still serving around the country and the world, let's remember to say a brief thank you every time we see someone in uniform.

-- Larry

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