Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Coco is a Star

Kelly, our makeup artist, is a woman of many talents. Not only has she raised her ducks from eggs, and not only does she make Larry and me look much better than we deserve to do each day, she is also a turtle rescuer!

Her turtle Coco is famous at the University of Georgia exotic animal school! About a year ago, Kelly took Coco in, and he had such dire viruses that the vet and vet students thought he had very little chance of making it. If you look closely in the first picture, you can see that Coco has a feeding tube and IV. Kelly was having to take him in to UGA almost every week to get checkups.
Now, a year later, Coco is thriving. Isn't it nice to know God watches over creatures big and small? It may not take an exotic animal clinic to make you feel better, but God knows just what you need.

Kelly says photos of Coco hang all over the walls at Georgia. He's famous for being a case study! And you thought he was just a turtle...

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