Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prayer Answered

I received this email from Phil Boatwright, our Christian Film Critic, last week. He gave me permission to share it with you. If you were listening to him a few weeks ago, you know that he'd had a car accident.

"The Lord took care of everything. It all fit together so easily. The car insurance company paid me more than I thought I’d get, my boss sent my check early so I could make up the remainder of my down payment, the financing went through with a breeze, the car was at a sales price, each of the places I went to were close to one another, and I was able to return the rental car directly across the street from the car dealership.

"Though most of you probably have more expensive cars, I’ve got On Star in mine! And it’s free for a year!! I swear, this thing does everything. If I can just get a girl, it’ll do the proposing. It really is amazing. It’s like out of Flash Gordon.

"When I prayed, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get a new car. I just asked the Lord to provide a car that I felt safe in and that would be comfortable for the Old Ones. I care for my parents and have to take them everywhere now, so a four door was in order. Well, I got one. A new one.

"I’m telling you all this because even though life seems to be a series of trials, the Lord does intercede. And though we are attacked by the enemy, our Heavenly Father is ultimately in charge and won’t desert us. I’m assured that He is with us even in those times when He seems so still. I’m sure you’ve had spiritual moments when you just knew God was involved. That was my day, yesterday. It’s sometimes difficult to convince others that those moments are indeed governed by Heavenly leadership. But inside we know that it was Him.

"I am also convinced that your prayers were very much a part of this equation. I asked a few of you to pray for me and you did. The Lord heard those prayers. Some of you emailed me back, saying, “We got you covered.” I can’t tell you how much that meant to me. I turned around and prayed for you, that your prayers would be answered and that you would be blessed for doing it."

Phil, we are so happy for you. Thanks for sharing how the Lord worked in your life!

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