Friday, December 14, 2007

So Much to be Thankful For

This blog originally posted March 29, 2007

Thursdays are so much fun… and so touching. Today, we set two records! We got 25 callers on the air during the hour, and we had ten first-time callers. And it didn’t feel like we were rushing–it seemed like we got to learn a little bit about each caller.

Also exciting–a couple of callers who have been up on our prayer wall called to say that the prayers have been answered! Isn’t that great? God is good.

I thought it might encourage you to see how people are counting their blessings, so here is a list of what our callers were thankful for today:

1. Howard - the “invigorating” and “jubilant” Mornings show–of course, I really liked to hear that!
2. Kevin - the power of prayer
3. Ernest - John 3:16
4. Dave - his 35th wedding anniversary
5. Heather - God’s patience
6. Ron- the Lord and Savior, the Word of God, his wife and kids
7. Chuck - his recovered phone
8. Dennis - answered prayer about his son and a new church home
9. Michael - Jesus Christ and the trials we are put through
10. John - his wife of 43 years
11. Joe - knowledge from the Lord
12. Donald - God’s beauty
13. Marion - Sirius Channel 161
14. Chris - his wife
15. Jerome - everything the Lord provides
16. Robin - God’s love and patience and her church family
17. Ben - his health
18. Mike - caller Michael’s testimony and good news about recent medical challenges
19. Michael - his marriage is growing in Christ
20. John - the Lord’s grace and mercy
21. Chris - salvation, the Lord’s favor and genuine Christians
22. Mark - his wife and God’s help in overcoming alcoholism
23. Robin - Sirius Channel 161 and Jesus
24. Todd - answered prayer for the Lord’s encouragement
25. Brad - his new job

And in what is the miracle of technology, look at all the places people are calling from:
Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Ontario, Georgia, Illinois, Texas, California, Florida, Colorado, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Saskatchewan, Arkansas and Indiana!

The Bible tells us to be thankful, after today, I think I know why–it makes you feel so good!

What are you thankful for today?

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